ngx-uc - 0.5.0 documentation

uc-zoom-view component

uc-zoom-view is a component that displays a zoom view representing the magnification results of a lens that follows the mouse pointer over the image.

Basic usage

Before using this component, make sure you have made the proper installation of the ngx-uc library. For more information see the installation section.

This component modifies a html image tag and may be added as an empty attribute.

<img src="your-image.jpg" uc-zoom-view >

This is all you have to do to initialize the component with all default configurations.

After initialized, the component will wrap the image within a container, so you should only interact with the image tag through the uc-zoom-view component and not directly.

<!-- the html that your browser sees -->
<div class="uc-img-container">
    <div class="uc-img-zoom-lens"></div>
    <img src="your-image.jpg" uc-zoom-view >
    <div class="uc-img-zoom-result"></div>

Customize appearance

The component can have its appearance customized in two different ways. Globally or with custom classes. Let’s see the two approaches.

Global css customization

The general appearance of the components elements can be customized by overriding it’s default css styles. The applied classes are:

Class Name Elements affected
uc-img-container The wrapper container
uc-img-zoom-lens The lens container
uc-img-zoom-result The zoom view container
uc-hide-lens Both zoom view and lens containers

Those elements and classes are not shadowed so do not use local component styles. Do it on your global styles.css file.

Custom style classes

In situations when you will need a custom appearance for one specific uc-zoom-view component or even to have two different instances of the component on the same page but styled differently, you can change the style class names of one of those instances by providing a custom configuration of the cssClasses config properties.

customConfig: UcZoomViewConfig = {
  cssClasses: {
    zoomView: 'custom-img-zoom-result',
    lens: 'custom-img-zoom-lens', 
    imageContainer: 'custom-img-container',
    hideLens: 'custom-hide-lens'

The custom style classes also have to be defined on the general styles.css file.

Using an external zoom view

You can use an external zoom view by defining a html div container on a template and binding it to the uc-z-view property of the uc-zoom-view component.

<img src="assets/img/example-1200x746.jpg" [style]="{'width': '500px'}"
     uc-zoom-view [uc-z-view]="externalView" alt="Example image">

<div class="external-view" #externalView></div>

Positioning the zoom view

When using the default internal zoom view, its position relates to the image position and can be configured to assume one of the possible values (LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM).

customConfig: UcZoomViewConfig = {
  viewPosition: UcZoomViewPosition.LEFT,
  viewDistance: 20

The distance of the zoom view to the image can also be configured.

Turning the component off

Sometimes it is useful to turn off the zoom feature. The uc-zoom-view offers programmatic control over its functionality by turning it on or off.

<img src="assets/img/example-1200x746.jpg" [style]="{'width': '500px'}"  
     uc-zoom-view [(ucZoomOn)]="on" alt="Example image"> <br>

<button (click)="toggleSwitch()">Turn Zoom  {{!on ? 'on' : 'off'}} </button>
on = true;

toggleSwitch(): void {
  this.on = !this.on;

Component Properties

Name Type Default Description
uc-zoom-view-config UcZoomViewConfig *See table below The starting configurations of the component
uc-z-view HTML DIV tag undefined A div to be used as an external zoom view (when set, no internal view will be created)
ucZoomOn boolean (getter and setter) true Turns the component on or off
isReady boolean (getter)   Returns if the component is ready (image is loaded and component initialized
container HTML DIV tag (getter)   Returns the container wrapper div if the component is already initialized
zoomLens HTML DIV tag (getter)   Returns the lens div if the component is already initialized
zoomView HTML DIV tag (getter)   Returns the zoom div if internal and if the component is already initialized
image Image The wrapped image Returns the host image

Configuration Properties (UcZoomViewConfig)

Name Type Default Description
cssClasses UcCssClasses *see below Css class names to use on the components
cssClasses.imageContainer string ‘uc-img-container’ The class of the wrapper container div
cssClasses.lens string ‘uc-img-zoom-lens’ The class of the lens div
cssClasses.zoomView string ‘uc-img-zoom-result’ The class of the zoom view div
cssClasses.hideLens string ‘uc-hide-lens’ The class used in the hidden lens and view when the zoom is turned off
resetExtViewOnMouseLeave boolean true If the external zoom view should be reset on mouse leave (only for external view)
viewPosition UcZoomViewPosition enum RIGHT The zoom view position relative to the host image (possible values are: LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM)
viewDistance number 0 The zoom view distance from the host image
lensOptions Object *see below The lens option
lensOptions.automaticResize boolean true If the lens dimensions will be automatically resized if hte host image gets resized
lensOptions.sizeProportion number | ‘inferred’ ‘inferred’ The size proportion related to the host image to be used to resize the lens when automatic resize is turned on
lensOptions.baseProportionType UcZoomViewLensProportionType WIDTH The base proportion type when resizing lens (possible values are: WIDTH, HEIGHT, BIGGER_SIZE, SMALLER_SIZE)
autoInitialize boolean true If the uc-zoom-view will automatically initialize on view initialization


Name Description
initialize Initializes the component if not initialized yet, else do nothing


Name Type Event properties Description
ucZoomOnChange boolean - Invoked if the uc-zoom-view component is turned on or off
lensPosition UcCoordinates {x: number, y: number} Invoked when the lens position changes while mouse is over
ready UcZoomViewReadyEvent component: UcZoomViewComponent Invoked when the component is ready (image loaded and component initialized)
zoomStarted - - Invoked when the zoom has started
zoomEnded - - Invoked when the zoom has sopped
imageSrcChanged UcZoomViewImageSourceChangedEvent newValue: string, oldValue: string Invoked when the src property of the host image has changed
resizeLensDimensions UcZoomViewResizeLensDimensionsEvent newValue: number, oldValue: number | null Invoked when the lens dimensions were resized


A live demo of the uc-zoom-view component is available to demonstrate usage examples of the ngx-uc library components. The source code of the examples is also available if you want to take a look.